Add Text $10-$20

Background Change $20-$35

Color Change $25-$35

Color Correction $25-$35

Fix Clothes $25-$35

Fix Hair $25-$35
Fix Skin $25-$35

Fix Something Else $10+

Lighten/Darken Area $20-$35

Motion Effects $20-$30

Remove Person(s) $25-$35

Remove Thing(s) $25-$35
Digital Handcoloring $40-$50

Hollywood Glamourize $30-$40

Photo Restoration $25-$50

Portraitize $30-$40

Photo Illustrations & Cartoons

Notes: All prices are in U.S. dollars.
All PixelPro price quotes include the removal of camera or scanner 'artifacts' in your image. When you combine multiple procedures for a single image, the cost increases - but not as much as it would to price each procedure separately. Above pricing guidelines are subject to change without notice. Only the price quoted by PixelPro shall be binding. Quotes remain in effect for 14 days. Fast 3-day turnarounds are available for most procedures. All quotes include 3 turnaround times from which to choose. All turnaround times are based upon business days.

Limited Warranty & Liability
LIMITED WARRANTY:PixelPro seeks to deliver a product that is convenient, cost-effective and very satisfying to its customers. Our goal is to produce consistent high-quality results in accordance with each order's specifications. If you have any questions regarding an order, please contact Customer Service. There is a distinctly subjective element to digital image editing work. Moreover, once PixelPro delivers its work product, it is impossible to prevent a customer from using it. Accordingly, PixelPro makes the following limited warranty of its work and disclaims any and all other express or implied representations or warranties: PixelPro will reasonably execute its customers' clear and complete instructions. PixelPro is not required to redo orders that are unsatisfactory as a result of its customer's failure to include clear and complete instructions. If PixelPro fails to perform clearly-requested instructions, PixelPro will redo the image at no additional charge. PixelPro will not issue credits or refunds unless PixelPro is unable to complete the work in accordance with the customer's instructions. The determination whether PixelPro has complied with customer instructions will be made, in the first instance, by PixelPro's quality control personnel. If a customer disagrees with this determination, the dispute shall be resolved only through binding arbitration as set forth below.
LIMITED LIABILITY: PixelPro is not liable for any consequential damages due to its failure to make any edits, delay in delivering work product, or any technical problem (including loss or destruction of files). PixelPro's liability shall be limited to the cost of image editing services. Customers always should keep a copy of the original unedited image files! PixelPro only retains customer image files for a short time after the order is completed. Submitting any file, CD, film, print or other media to this firm for editing, printing or other handling constitutes an AGREEMENT by you that any damage or loss by our company, subsidiary, or agents, even though due to the negligence or other fault of our company, subsidiary, or agents will only entitle you to replacement with a like amount of new unused media of a similar type and quality, unless you have declared a higher value and have paid the premium for that value in advance. Except for such replacement, or payment of the declared value if applicable, the acceptance by our company, subsidiary and/or agents of the file, CD, film, print or other media is without other warranty or liability, and recovery for any incidental or consequential damages is excluded.
AGREEMENT TO ARBITRATE DISPUTES: By placing an order with PixelPro, you agree that any dispute with PixelPro with respect to the quality of its work will be resolved through binding arbitration in San Francisco, California or Cincinnati, Ohio (whichever is closest to you). Such arbitration shall be subject to the Commercial Arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association.
This limited warranty is subject to change.

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